自动门感应器感应范围。 可以通过三个地方调整自动门感应器感应范围: Automatic door sensor sensing range. The sensing range of the automatic door sensor can be adjusted in three places: 1、灵敏度旋钮调整,通过调整MCU数模转换门限值确定灵敏度的高低。不同版本的感应器其位置不同,详见随机说明书。 1. The sensitivity knob is adjusted to determine the sensitivity by adjusting the threshold of MCU digital-to-analog conversion. Different versions of sensors have different locations. See the random instructions for details. 2、放大电路增益调整,这个旋钮的位置在放大电路原件周围。这个旋钮一般情况下不要调整,它被用于生产自动门厂家校正微波模块灵敏度输出的离散性。增益调整旋钮与灵敏度调整旋钮相比,增益调整旋钮不如灵敏度旋钮操作起来那么容易。 2. The gain of amplifier circuit is adjusted. The position of this knob is around the original amplifier circuit. This knob is normally not adjusted. It is used by manufacturers of automatic doors to correct the discreteness of sensitivity output of microwave modules. Compared with sensitivity adjustment knob, gain adjustment knob is not as easy to operate as sensitivity knob. 3、可以通过调整微波模块的俯仰、水平角度调整感应器的作用区域。其中灵敏度和微波天线仰角调整是比较简洁直观的方法,同时注意调整天线角度的时候务必要断电后进行,有些自动门感应器损坏就是因为在调整天线仰角的时候碰触到了电子线路板部分造成短路,进而烧坏电子元件而损坏。 3. The function area of the inductor can be adjusted by adjusting the pitch and horizontal angle of the microwave module. Sensitivity and microwave antenna elevation adjustment are relatively simple and intuitive methods. At the same time, attention should be paid to adjusting the antenna angle after power off. Some automatic door inductors are damaged because they touch the electronic circuit board when adjusting the antenna elevation, resulting in short circuit, and then burn out the electronic components. 广西南宁捷丰建筑装饰工程有限公司主要经销产品:南宁自动门、松下自动门、多玛自动门、南宁旋转门、南宁平移门、南宁感应门、南宁伸缩门、南宁玻璃门、南宁门禁系统等 |